Saturday, October 5, 2024

Who to Follow to Help you Live More Sustainably

Sustainable Living

If you don’t believe your actions make a difference? Then think again. Every small action we take, like refusing a straw or using a reusable cup, sends the message that we want to see change and are willing to push back against the status quo to see that positive change. It may feel weird asking for “no plastic please” or questioning a brand about their environmental impact, but there will always be those who support you, right around the globe. Here are just a few of the amazing influencers and bloggers who are sharing their earth-friendly habits to help inspire you.



First Nations Fashion Design

With everything from reels on plastic free shopping to posts about the best way to compost, The Green Hub is the perfect place to begin your sustainable lifestyle journey. Kira encourages everyone to do their best when transitioning to living a little bit greener.


First Nations Fashion Design

Is your wardrobe in need of a spring revival? Then take a peek at Salvos Thrift Stylist, Faye De Lanty’s re-imaginative dressing skills before you hit the shops. Her knack for wearing up-cycled men’s blazers cinched in with bedazzled belts makes Faye a style inspiration for any fashionista. 


First Nations Fashion Design

Britt’s List is the place to go when you are searching for the perfect ethically summer dress. Her comprehensive lists and features on everything ethical, from brands to rental companies are sure to help you on your sustainable living quest.


First Nations Fashion Design

Building a wardrobe that works for your lifestyle can be tricky. Do you really need those new pink leopard print slides that are flooding your Instagram feed? Slow Fashion Stylist, Jenna can help you create a wardrobe full of clothing you can be proud of. And if those slides do end up in your shopping basket, she can show you have to style them too. 


First Nations Fashion Design

Climate advocate, Nina isn’t just passionate about saving our Earth, she is also a thrifty shopper who never lets anything go to waste. By paring back tulle dresses with casual sneakers, Nina brings a touch of modern to her extensive vintage wardrobe. Follow her for tips on how to bring your own vintage garments to life!


First Nations Fashion Design

Julia is a mending marvel who is keen to share her sewing secrets with you. Among other things, she is known for having hosted a series of Instagram Lives encouraging you to get stitching where you could learn how to fix holey socks, alter too small jeans and even patch up sneakers. Julia also shares her amazing knowledge of the fashion industry. Find out what chemical recycling means right here


First Nations Fashion Design

Ever wanted to know what a rocket scientist gets up to in their downtime? Well, now you can! Dr Anita Vandyke is not only a rocket scientist but also an author, mother, talented thrifter and zero waste advocate. Her daily tips are all about removing plastic from your life and living the best low impact lifestyle. Anita proves that living sustainably isn’t all about fancy reusable cups or the latest bamboo toothbrush, she encourages you to work with what you already own.



First Nations Fashion Design

Are you ready for a side of laughter with your eco-living? Then follow New Zealand based Kate as she shares her sustainable living ways through hilarious dancing reels and down to earth photos. Everything from zero waste festivals to her decision to live car-free is discussed in-between shots of her cute dog Chai and her cheeky birds. Follow along for tips on discovering your own sustainable habits. 


First Nations Fashion Design

Aja is one of the loudest voices in the fashion industry. As a writer, stylist and consultant, Aja works tirelessly to address all the injustices present in the fashion industry – overconsumption, inequality and privilege. Her latest book, Consumed, is a must-read. Follow Aja to learn how you can make a difference with what you buy. 


First Nations Fashion Design

Feeling overwhelmed in the world of sustainable fashion? Secondhand Sustainability is here to help you break it all down. Brooke shares bite-sized posts on everything from cost per wear to tips to help your clothing last longer. Her weekly newsletter ‘Nuance Required’ is the perfect resource to begin your sustainable living deep dive. 


First Nations Fashion Design

The Conscious Fashion Collective is here to give you your daily sustainable fashion news. Each post provides a deeper look into the fashion industry and battles topics such as greenwashing and racism in the fashion industry. Its the perfect account to follow for those who are seeking to learn more.


First Nations Fashion Design

From buying electronics second hand to using what you have to create Halloween costumes, Shelbi believes that we should all do just that little bit more to help out our planet. Oh her YouTube channel, Shelbi shares the eco-friendly habits that worked for her and how you can make your own earth-friendly changes.

Featured Image: @eco.styles
ALL IMAGES: via Instagram accounts of each sustainability advocate featured.

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